A Webinar For Builders and Architects
Determining the best system for managing moisture can be challenging. Many factors such as climate, cladding, and cost should be considered when designing a sustainable wall. This course explores those factors, as well as trends in building codes and best practices.
You'll learn to:
-Recognize the integral role of a gap within the exterior wall.
-Understand the performance characteristics of drainable housewrap and rainscreen systems.
-Understand the selection criteria to consider when designing for moisture management in wall systems.
-Determine the appropriate ways to employ draining and drying principles for a variety of cladding systems.
ON ZOOM - Oct 26th 3:00pm
REGISTER AT: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_hIOuuhIKRmGK9P542L9FAw
NOTE: This is an AIA/CEU offering 1 learning unit and counts as a "Health, Safety, & Welfare" (HSW) credit
Questions? E-mail vneal@millwork1.com